Film Sprint 2019
<Human - SRDT
Best Film 2019
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Actor Nominees - Jimmy Gagarin and Weston Lee Ball
Underdog - Hobby Horse Films
Best Writing
Best Actor - Rachel Quintana
Nominee - Best Film
Last Grab of Sanity - OMG
Audience Choice Award
Best Actor Nominee - Dana Hunt
Checkmate - Wolfmen Entertainment
Best Writing
Nominee - Best Film & Best Cinematography
Best Actor Nominees - Chris Goodman, Karina Pugh, Jason Gorelick
Cursed Silence - Team Converse
Nominee - Best Editing
Best Actor Nominee - Mira Stenger
Wild Card Team - All participants on this team met for the first time the day of the competition.
How the West Was Re-Run - Lemons for Friends
Special Presentation*
*this film was completed outside of the 48 hour competition window, but it’s too delightful not to share!