Live Premiere
Awards Show
Mega Sprint (9/30-10/9)
Teams had 9 days to make tarot-inspired shorts (10-15 minutes)
Each team had a tarot card drawn for them to inspire their film.
Also required:
A burial, the line: "[they're] just trying to scare you"
Heimweg by Jumi
Judge’s Choice - Best Film
Sprinters Choice - Best Film
Outstanding Narrative
Oustanding Cinematography
Outstanding Directing
Inspired Use of the Elements
Best Actor Nominee: Stephanie Varga
Honorable Mentions: Outstanding Sound Design, Best Genre Representation
Devil’s Night by Team Hellhouse
Audience Choice - Best Film
Winner: Outstanding Effects
Outstanding Sound Design
Best Actor: Corey James (Judge’s AND Audience Choice)
Best Actor Nominee: Alan Zeichner
Honorable Mentions: Outstanding Cinematography, Directing, Editing, Best Genre Representation
Miriam by Shelter in Lace
Winner: Outstanding Narrative
Outstanding Editing
Inspired Use of the Elements
Best Actor Nominee: Michelle Louise
Honorable Mentions: Outstanding Cinematography, Directing, Effects, Sound Design
Full Circle by Miquitzli Films
Winner: Best Genre Representation
Best Actor Nominations: Jesus Vejar and Bethany Livas
Honorable Mentions: Outstanding Narrative, Editing, Effects
Into the Dirt by Lusaura
Winner: Outstanding Effects
Honorable Mention: Outstanding Directing
Shards of Evil by Old Soul Trixie Productions
Best Actor Nominee - Deana Hervey
Honorable Mentions: Inspired Use of the Elements, Best Genre Representation
Strength Against the Void by Ghost Light Pictures
Best Actor Nominees: JC Roberts and Natianna Strachen
Weekend Sprint (10/13-15)
Teams had 48 hours to make rune-inspired shorts (4-8 minutes)
Each team drew a rune at random.
Also required: A Jump Scare, the line: "Who's There?"
Good Riddance by D&D Productions
BEST FILM TRIPLE CROWN - Judge’s Choice, Sprinter’s Choice, and Audience Choice (co-winner)
Winner: Best Cinematography
Outstanding Narrative
Outstanding Editing
Outstanding Sound Design
Best Genre Representation
Best Actor Nominations: Dana Hunt, Josh Jobrack
Honorable Mentions: Outstanding Directing, Effects, Inspired Use of the Elements
Weekday Update by Screwdale
Winner: Outstanding Directing
Outstanding Effects
Best Actor (Lady Beaver)
Honorable Mentions: Oustanding Narrative, Editing, Genre Representation
Elk Rune Saved my 2023 Halloween by Old Soul Trixie
Winner: Inspired Use of the Elements
Best Sound Design
Best Actor Nomination: Deana Hervey
Honorable Mentions: Outstanding Editing, Directing, and Cinematography
Rune Man Void by Ghost Light Pictures
Honorable Mention: Best Genre Representation
Click through the slide show below for a recap of the award winners!